Dearest Hubby,
Hi, how are you??...hee..i just feel want to write you a love letter...its 4.50 pm and you fill up my mind...thats why i wrote this..just to throw little bit so the next moment you can fill it up again...ermmm...i miss you damn much!..you have to accept it..cant ignore ok..! hee...
I still remember your question.." what makes you love me" ..question that you always ask me..but i cant answer it...hee..i know you feel upset even you didnt show it...sorry..! i dunno the answer coz for me theres no actual answer for that..it's all about the feels..but one thing i know is im happy everytime i think of you..i smile for no reason whenever i read all your message..the way you express your feels..the way you teasing me...the way you make me jealous..the way you make me laugh...that's all makes me fall in love wit you more deeper every day..
Should i say this is our destiny?..I scared sometimes but you always have something to cheers me up and love it so much!..Maybe sometimes i makes you upset..sorry..! i didnt mean it..its just becoz im afraid loosing you..im not that good but i do hope you to accept me for who i am..i'll do that too for you..i'll do everything just to keep this relationship..! and im happy we do it together..Love it so much!!
~ GOD DESTINY..HEART FEELIN'..LIFE JOURNEY~..i keep this words..! and i always hope its was like that..!surely i believe it..coz until now i still cant believe that you're mine...the one i admire and now you're someone i can put my hope and love to..Huh..! i become more JIWANG whenever i think of you...Si Teddy Bear yang berjaya membuka balik hati ini..! sometimes i feels funny whenever i think how this feels begin...the hards time..!hahaha...theres one time i ask myself why must you? but, the answer is im HAPPY everytime i heard your name..seeing you smile, laugh and making
jokes...at last i know that i got a weird feels towards you..the feels that i keep ignore before this..and luckily you're the one who forcing me to accept it again..! my joys overloaded when i know its was you..!
Missing you damn much..! i just feels wanna cry everytime i cant handle it..! this is killing me..! Gila eehh..!sakit pula terlampau rindu kan??..hee...all i can do is just seeing the picture of you...haa..kasihan bah..! but still it cant statisfied me..coz i wanna see you for real..miss your hug..! wanna touch you..! pinch and poke you berabis..! Si hubby yg jajal i miss you so much..!
Astaga, i wrote so many words already but why still you fill up my mind...! you really the one who been locked there..! sorry..cant let you go..! hee..but i love it..! i dont believe forever but i hope you the last one who can make me belive its all..! arghh..! im getting crazy la ni macam...i dunno what power you got but damn im your craziest addicter..! even sometimes i feel guilty but becoz of my trust and love i ignore all the bad feel that haunted me..
Maybe this love letter didnt enough to tells you how i feels..but i do hope its still can makes you...! Anyway, this is sounds JIWANG..hahaha..! whatever, you have to read it to...please keeps this under ur pillow..so that im always on you mind..
Last but not least, just wanna says Thanks for making me feels loved and happy..Thanks for putting this smile on my face...Thanks for making me laugh with your crazy stories and funny words...my life would empty without all that...
But, the most things i wanna say is ' THANKS SO MUCH FOR LOVING ME'..!
..will wrote to you again..till then..
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