The Missing Pieces sat alone...
Waiting for someone to come along and take it somewhere..
Some Fit..
But could not roll..
Other Could Roll but could not Fit..
One didnt know a thing of fitting..
and another didnt know a thing about anything..
One was delicate..
One put its on pedestal..
and left it there..
Some hand too many pieces missing..
Some had too many pieces, period.
It learn to hide From the hungry one..
More come..
Some looked too closely..
Others Rolled right by without noticing..
It tried to make itself more attractive but it didn't helped..
It tried being Flashy..
But that just frightened away the shy One..
At last One Come along that just fit right..
But all of sudden The missing piece began to grow! and grow!..
" I didn't know you're going to grow"
" I didn't know either", Said The missing pieces..
" Im looking for my missing pieces, One that won't increase"
And One day, One come along who looked different..
"What do you want from me", asked The Missing pieces..
"What do you need from me."
"Who are you?" asked the missing pieces..
"Im the big O," said the Big O
"I think you're the one that im waiting for,"said the missing piece
"Maybe im your missing pieces"
"But im not missing a pieces," Said the Big O
"there's no place you would fit,"
"That is too bad," Said The missing Pieces
"I was hoping that perhaps i could roll with you..."
"You cannot roll with me," Said The Big O
"But perhaps you can roll by yourself,"
"By myself?? but missing piece cannot roll by itself.."
"Have you tried?" asked the Big O
"But i have sharped corners. Im not sharped for rolling," said the missing Pieces.
"Corners wear off and shapes changed.. Anyhow, i must says gud bye.. perhaps we will meet again," Said The Big O and away it rolled.
The missing piece was alone again..
For a long time it just sat there..
Then.. slowly it lifted itself up on one end..
Then lift..pull..flop..and flooped away..
it began to move foward..
and soon its edge began to wear off..
Lift.. pull.. flop.. lift.. pull.. flop..
and its shape began to change..
and then its was bumping instead of flopping..
and then its was bouncing instead of bumping..
and then its was rolling instead of bouncing..
and it didn't know where..
and it didn't care...
It's was Rolling!
Have you Found your missing Piece??..
Some of Us maybe YES, some maybe OTW, some maybe HAVENT met..
Now i can says that i Met my missing piece.. i have been through with so many sadness before..
im hurt a lot.. My life is really gloomy.. im feeling wanna sleep forever.. Forgeting all the pain, Loneliness and sadness..
But i never know that all that what happen in my life is just a small matter..
Its all change when theres a day That i dont feel anything.. And i know thats was the day that i realize that im moving On.. I started enjoying my day.. thinking foward.. Leaving all my Old memories & Sadness..
Life always try to give us lesson to be learn.. its only up to us wether we dare to challenge it or not.. So, you guys out there.. keep looking your missing pieces its always there somewhere around the world.. Keep strong while facing our own Lesson. Patient and Struggle is the key for the seeking..
P/s: Im happy Finding my missing Piece.. sometimes we cant fit each other but most of the time we struggle very hard to make us Fit and strong together.. And for all that i only can says That He is my missing pieces.. mybe someday He is leaving but as for now he is that ONE piece and im going to glue it so that He won't grow.. Muaxxx!!