Saturday, September 25, 2010

...diam itu kadangkala menyenangkan...

...kadangkala diam itu lebih baik...but sakitnya lagi dalam...kalau tidak tahan memang boleh merana...i try to be silent but i cant stand the pain...i told him i admire him...and he feel the same too...but why still i feel scared...confuse...banyak benda dalam kepala yang buat sa rasa x my past haunted me...i love this guy...he makes me smile another hopes to me...making me leave my back this feels...

hurmmm...i just hope he is the one...but at the same time i wont forget that i should'nt hopes too much..i dont want to be hurt again...coz i know it is the most painful in the world!!...

**** i love u hubby***