its your birthday lar!!..
23 yrs old ody...
and me will be 26 yrs this coming mac..
see the different??
hee...people ask me how can i fall in love with some younger than me..
i dunno how to answer...i only tell them " LOVE IS BLIND"
its appear no matter what situation..
last time i really anti wit a guy who is younger than me..
i 'll ignore them becoz of that AGE..
hahahah! jahatkan..
see what happen to me now..
im in love with him..and i didnt see the age anymore...
He really makes me forgot whatever i dislike..
i turn to someone that i also didnt expect i would be..
what i know now is i love that guy no matter what!
Si Hubby,
sori i didnt prepare ur present!..
i forgot..my fault..
sori again for didnt sings u a birthday songs last nite..
my bad!!..malu..:((
and im really sorry for not at ur side this moment..
i wish i was there...taking care of you...
get well soon..:))
i hope that all your dream come true..
more hapiness..
more love..
more matured..
more funny..
more handsome..hahahha! ( jokes! - i love you the way u are)
but dont too slim aahh!..heheheh!
~ i take this chance to say " I LOVE YOU!" - its not enough actually..i do everything just to make u happy~
p/s: Miss u so much!!..i wish to celebrate it wit u..:))