* SODAPPPPPP!!! im craving for this...yummyyy!! sepakah yang sudi mau belanja?? *
si Hubby???? hee.. lama rasanya tidak merasa kek coklat..air liur meleleh2 nampak ni picture..
harap2 lah sabtu ni they choose coklat cake for the birthday party.. Hopefully..!
si Hubby???? hee.. lama rasanya tidak merasa kek coklat..air liur meleleh2 nampak ni picture..
harap2 lah sabtu ni they choose coklat cake for the birthday party.. Hopefully..!

My Favourite Ice creammm..!! Si Hubby help me..hahhaha..!!
Gumuk pun gumuk lar..i tak kesah dah..! ( padahal dalam hati ' saya mau kurus' )
tapi ni ice cream memang tak kan d lepaskan...Si hubby????

This One tooo...Cadburyyyyy!! Won't stop choosing you..! si Hubby??? hee...
jan c lama...hahahha! i know he like it too...nanti mo pujuk dia lai ni.."(<_>)"
( Si Hubby..if u tebaca this post jan pula pura2 tak tau yee...)
jan c lama...hahahha! i know he like it too...nanti mo pujuk dia lai ni.."(<_>)"
( Si Hubby..if u tebaca this post jan pula pura2 tak tau yee...)