" iT's FunnY ..HoW hellO iS alWayS aCCompaniEd With GooDbyE....
" It's fUnny ... How Good MemOrieS caN starTs to mAke You crY...
" It's FunnY.. hoW wheN yOU Need somEonE, tHey NEver arOUNd...
" it'S fUnnY... hOW One nighT CaN contAin so much RegRET...
" It'S funny... HoW many lies can Be pACked in One ' LOVE LETTER'..
" iT's funnY... hOW peoplE fORgIVE EventhOugh they can't ForGet...
" It's FUnny... How IrOnIC lIfE turns out to be ...
" but The Funniest paRT is that none of this Is FUNNY to me....