Tuesday, June 28, 2011

~ Sorry I have to say GoodBye!! ~

sa tetau pa mo pikir.. lagi pikir lagi pening plus stress..
Huh! Biarla... urang bilang ' Just 4 Get It'.. tapi ia bukan semudah itu...
kalau boleh sa hanya mau biarkan benda ni.. stress pun stress la.. manatau sa tambah kurus..haa..!
Adeiii....tetau mo taip bah ni actually... im really 'EMPTY'.. mo panggil2 tu ' FEEL' pun susah da..
bukan macam dulu.. otomatik akan datang tu rasa..
Entah lah!!... Let times tells me How...

So, now till then.. dunno when i'll post something here again... Moods berblog semakin berkurang.. i dont have that feels anymore... macam terasa diri terpaksa pula kalu balik2 buka blog nw..
Im resting from Blogging start now.. sa mau mencari keikhlasan hati sa mo berblog ... itu 'RASA' semakin ilang...sa mo kajar lu..hahahha! ok now!!!! Bye!!! See u all next time... Gonna miss everything here... but as i say i need to find the ' FEELS ' first... Muaxxx!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Kenapa AKU cinta KAMU??

~"It is not the amount of time you spend with someone that makes life better it is the someone that you spend the time with that makes life better!" ~

" Kenapa AKU cinta KAMU???... kamu pasti ada jawapan yang tersendiri kan??..
walau orang lain berkata " DIA bukan untuk MU" namun kamu tetap kata " DIA adalah untuk KU". Noktah!!

kekadang soalan ni berlegar2 kat kepala hotak i..Why??.. satu soalan yang senang tapi susah nak explain..Hanya You and Dia jak yang tahu..kamu mesti ada sebab kenapa lahirkan rasa CINTA itu dalam diri...samada ikhlas atau saja jak nak have fun itu semua ada dalam hati..TANYA HATI!!..So, Fren..tanya hati sendiri " KENAPA DIA??" Gaduh itu perlu tapi jangan simpan lama2.. itu boleh buat kita TAWAR hati ... Jangan biar EGO jadi 'BOSS' hati kita..kerana ia akan buat kita menyesal suatu hari nanti..

MUNGKIN i tak patut nak ambik kisah pasal relationship orang lain...tapi kan bagi i CERITA orang lain itu salah satu 'SUBJEK' i dalam kehidupan...Hurmm...Sometimes i rasa orang yang cepat sangat JATUH CINTA itu bukan jatuh cinta... walaupun i heard so many stories yang cakap FALLING IN LOVE at the 1st SIGHT tu CINTA SEJATI!..is that true??.. or it's was just a words..ermm... dunno! Blurr...Leave it!..

i live with so many friends yang still i anggap just a friend..yang datang dan pergi.. Not the one yang STAY!.. Their LOVE STORY is different so do Mine...ada masa KAMI serupa..
For me LOVE is when you try to understand your partners.. learn about HIM/HER.. the bad.. the Good... Honestly, my relationship not that good...sometimes we argue over something silly... simple matters became Big matters... U feel angry.. U crying.. Feeling want to Give Up!.. kalau boleh Break up!.. Kalau teda persefahaman memang we're NOT In - Relationship sdh today.. But, Thanks God We already in love for 9 month 1 day... im really blessed! through the hard days we still manage to keep this relationship till today... Understanding itu penting.. what we do now is trying the best to keep it..

9 month?? a long way... i pun tak sangka akan sampai ke angka ini.. Pernah tak korang rasa bosan dan ingin tarik diri??... i pernah ada rasa itu.. Terus terang i cakap time itu memang sakit sangat... tapi sayang i pada dia lagi kuat... walau macam mana pun paksa still Dia dalam hati i.. Susah kan kalau dah Jatuh cinta... DANGER!!!. Hahahahah!

Kalau korang tanya I " Kenapa AWAK cinta DIA" i akan jawab " He makes my day! I smile..i laugh.. i cry... i angry.. He is the One who makes me feel all that ".. mau gaduh lama2 tak boleh coz kalau kitaorang Gaduh mesti pada ari tu juga selesai.. tak boleh tangguh2..haa..!

Dont ask me WHY i love you...
Coz i cant tell its by words...
Enough for me if you knew it...
Sorry if i cant be the One you really need...
Sorry If theres a day in 9 month in relationship that i really makes you mad..
i didnt mean it..
Love you so Much.. Day by day!!..

p/s : I makin risau The Plan tertangguh... Huh! God give me more strength to face all that problems!! Bless Us and this relationship!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

...Finally!! The CROWN Find its Owner...

Harvest festival this year officially over Yesterday! Which has been held at KDCA Hall,penampang and Now have to wait for the next Kaamatan on 2012..
Even its End but for all the sabahan the moods is still On and sometimes its only stop at the end of June.. Mean The ARAMAITEE is still alive!!!

I been there too.. But only on 30th..
The place is really crowded!! The Weather is HOTT!! and we park our car too far coz there's no more space for us! and that makes us to walk around 15minute under the sun just to go there.. huh!! And i almost surrender..luckily the kaamatan's mood is strong that day.
Even its Hot still the place really awesome!! and at least i have something to say here..haa!!

Tired but Fun!
Walking around..stop by at food stall..walking again..then stop again..eating & drink...
same thing!! hahahha!
Too many tasty local food there..Dunno what to choose..so lastly we only eat ' Nasi Ayam' [ white rice + fried hicken] Not that delicious..but what to do..no mo table & chair for us at the other stall...haa..! its really Full!! Menyesal juga la..huhuh!

The Kaamatan peak was yesterday ( 31th may)..
But i didnt manage to go there..i cannot imagine walking under the hot sun...
being around with so many people and the most matter is PARKING!
tak sanggup nak jalan jau2..hahahha..!
So here i wanna put the top 7 Unduk ngadau that manage to go to Final..

Miss Bo Tiza A. Disimon
From : Penampang
The Winner For Unduk Ngadau 2011

Personal Point Of View :
She got a beautiful smile..Nice Body! If im a man She will be my dream..beautiful!!
But Honestly She is not listed to my Favourite Unduk.. For me there is someone else deserve to be the owner of that beautiful Crown.. Maybe thats is her luck!! Nway, Congratss Miss Bo Tiza!!

Miss Jovenea Jim Lajim
From : Tamparuli
1st Runner Up

Personal Point Of View :
Just Nice!! Beautiful Costume..! Never cross my mind that She manage to be top 7 and won the 1st runner up.. But, People says..the things that we dont care is the things that suddenly makes us care.. ( Ngam kaitu) Antam jak la..haa...

Miss Caroline Anthony
From : Tuaran
2nd Runner Up

Personal Point of View :
Honestly She's the One that i thought became the winner..Her beauty really charm!!! i love the eyes..and mostly the smile..!! even without make up she's still looking hot!! Thats what attracts me most!..If people ask who do you think would win? I says TUARAN..hee..not because im from TUARAN but she is Beautiful with IQ.. even just manage to be 2nd runner up still im happy!!

Miss Sophie A. Kutam
From : Ranau
4th place

Personal Point Of View :
She is the 2nd person that i been listed as the winner!! Sexy face!! there's something that makes me adore her.. i expect her to be the 1st runner up behind UN Tuaran.. But, what to do..the competition was really tough! and i still can smile that she manage to go to final stage and be in 4th place even im not that statisfied with the result.. Never mind!! Try again Next year..!

Miss Racheal M.
From : Kota Kinabalu
5th Place

Personal Point Of View :
Just Nice..Nice Costume..! just an ordinary face..nothing can attract me..Btw , she got her own beauty..But, she is not listed in my list..
( I like that Dusun Kota belud costume!! )

Miss Alvera Raymond
From : Sandakan
6th Place

Personal Point Of View :
Just Nice!.. Not in my list!

Miss Adeline Joyce M.
From : Likas
7th Place

Personal Point Of View :
Cute!! That the only word i can say..hee

So many Negative & Positive comment about the result!! its really Hot like Kuih Pisang! everyone try to tell their own point of view without watching theirs own words..! Came On la guys!! Everyone have their rights to say but please do put your sensitivity with others feelings!..no need to show you anger here.. You only make its worst.. your words reflect your ownself.. So becareful wit what you says..!

I feel like 'HUH!!' what the hell they a talking rubbish here.. Really Childish! Fighting like a they are the right one..! Stop it and accept all the result.. Everyone have their own Luck.. So, this year its Miss Bo Tiza A. Disimon time.. So lets Cherish its..Even she is not one of my Favourite but still i can see that She got that charm!! and im still Happy coz My Fav contestant Miss Caroline Anthony & Miss Sophie A. Kutam manage to go to final..

Ok la..im tired already reading every comment about the Harvest Festival..wanna stop here..! Cant wait to celebrate the Harvest Festival 2012! So guys stop your words now and save it for next year..hahahahh!
So, Cheers Everyone!!! Jan marah2 aah..nanti cepat tua ooo..! Apa2 pun ARAMAITEE!!!

P/S : Congratulation To Miss Bo Tiza Disimon for being crowned as The 2011 Unduk Ngadau!!!

[ Thanks To David Chg For letting me using His picture! Anyone Who interested to use him as a photographer can call at this Number : 016 - 847 8745 or Just add him on FB and his page ]