" Pemahaman Budaya - Ke Arah Kegemilangan (BM) "
"Kopirotian Id Koubasanan - Ralan Koburuon (DUSUN)"
" Cultural Understanding - The Way Foward ( ENGLISH) "
[ Tema Kaamatan 2011 - Dalam 3 Bahasa]
MAY is such a 'beautiful' month for every people in sabah...
they starting to let themself busy for any activities in this month..
its because KAAMATAN DAY is coming..its also known as HARVEST FESTIVAL..
honestly im no really know what the real meaning of this festival..
i only know a little bit about it..the most interesting things about kaamatan and been waiting for everyone especially for all the girls in sabah is UNDUK NGADAU...something like beauty contest but they are wearing the tradisional costume and the winner called HUMINODUN..here is the link about the LEGEND OF HUMINODUN which i took from JASON JAY BLOG.. you all can see many pictures of all the HUMINODUN through the years..
TUARAN/TAMPARULI district begin their Kaamatan festival 1st May this year which is been held at TUN HAMDAN HALL, TAMPARULI...and i was there that time..hee..
i force my BF to go there..haa..and he ended it saying 'OK' but with his ' mau tidak mau' face..Huh! whatever la..
We reach TAMPARULI around 2pm and its raining so heavy...and there's no parking!!..
we have to make 3 round at the pekan just to find the park and luckily we find one which one is nearer to the place.. we all says 'Thanks God!" ..haa.. we are really excited...and honestly its my 1st time joining the district celebration...all the times i only manage to celebrate the kampung's..hee..
The hall is full but we still try to let ourself in..men paksa!..hahhaha! and the UNDUK NGADAU competition is just begin...they are all beautifull!! CHECK here to see all the contestant or just go to this BLOG..
Now, every district busy finding their UNDUK NGADAU to represent in State Level Kaamatan Festival at the end of the month 30th - 31th of May 2011 at KDCA, PENAMPANG..
and of course i cant wait to see the next HUMINODUN..3 weeks more to come..!
So, Sabahan lets Enjoy this festival..! ARAMAITEE!!!..
Sabahan who is outside sabah please comeback that day and join us!!..Rugiii!!..haa..
P/s: its true my BF doesnt enjoy that day..kena paksa kan..huh! whateverla..
hikhik, your blog is really enjoyful...I can explore more about Sabah from here....keep it up...
Hee..thanks! :)
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