orang kata ' kita perlu buang rasa cemburu itu..'..
tapi macam mana kita tahu dia sayang kita kalau dia tak tunjuk yang dia tu cemburu??
As for me..i get jealous with him almost everyday...im a bad GF..haa..what to do..huh!
i try to act as usuall..but still i cant...so scared!..
i do believe him but i just cant believe myself..
i always wanna be someone who can say ' I DONT WANT TO CARE'..
but the problem is i care everything..
susahnya nak hilang kan rasa geram dan marah dalam masa yang singkat..
mesti feeling ni berlarutan sampai esok dan lusa..
kadang rasa bersalah juga bila dia layan i dengan baik tapi i buat deh jak..
ni semua gara2 geram kat dia lar..
kalau lar dia pujuk and ajak i tengok wayang kan bagus..hee..
terubat juga lar rasa marah tu..:)
huh! Rain2...asyik2 layan masalah ni..
cam mana ek nak ilang kan suma tu...
rasa jealous , marah , geram...suma lar..
i just dunno what to do..
i always blaming myself for acting like this..
JEALOUS! please get out!..
I love him so much! thats why i get jealouse..
even i know he is only joking still the feels attack me..:(
i wanna be the SLUMBER gf..
the BFF aka GF..an acting like it is something precious moment that we shared together..
accepting everything happen around us..
But , So sorry Dear..i just cant be 100% like that..
sorry coz you have to face my mysterious mood sometimes..
i will try to slow down but dont ask me not to get JEALOUS or ANGRY for everything you do..
i just want you to know that not all things i can accept..
I hope you're the last person i get jealous..
p/s: i just cant wait WEEKEND to come..coz that is the only day i can hang out with you..teasing you..dating with you and of coz its time to ' MANJA - MANJA' with you..(^-^)
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