..im emo again..huh! it's started worrying me..
so many question disturbing me..
im too easy to thinking negative..
im scared with so many things..until i dunno what it is..
Dont ask me why..coz i dunno what it is...
i just need rest!.. too many things in my head now..
job..new job..money..family..him..The Plan..
i easily get angry for something that i know they dont mean it..
i keep asking..blaming my ownself..
"maybe i should do this.."
" maybe i should do that.."
this is what always bothering me..
there is always ' MAYBE ' in my mind..
But what bother me more is Him..
~ ( i know u always read my post..just read it..dont ask me again)~
why?...since i know what love is..i always dreaming to find someone who can be with me no matter what.. Sharing my happy days together...
its mean i want him be with me whenever i want it..
Honestly, sometimes i wish he'll do it even i never ask him..
mean i want him want to be with me even i didnt ask..
i didnt mean he is like that..but sometimes yeah..He is..
everytime i dunno whether i want to invite him or not if i got event with my family..
becoz i know i will feel upset.. but i try to accept it..
thinking positive..ya maybe i have to be slow down..
dont push im hard..let him take his time to be ready..
its ok with me.. the more i ask the more things to be complicated..
just be positive!!..
i wont force him if he dont want..i just wanna learn to just ' TAKE IT EASY'
thats the only way for us to stay strong in love..:)
i hope so!!..
i dont want to be like last time..
forcing him..! i want this relationship less stress..bule ka begitu??..hee..
i'll do my best to saved this..
i know im scared loosing him but i'll fight till i know i cant!!
i really love this relationship!!..i dont want to think any bad influence now..
~ Biarlah sakit macam mana sekali pun saya akan terus berusaha.. Cemburu , tidak puas ati.. Geram or marah akan saya buang sikit2 ~
p/s: En.Ronald im scared with every little possible that might ruin this relationship.. Sorry, if im too much..Love you every breath that come from me..
sis... I've the same situation with you.. huhuhuhu
hee..what to do..kita sayang dorang thats y kita takut!..:)
mo belajar relax bah ni tapi ndak pandai2..:)
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