im 26th years old already!!!
am i look that old???...
hahhahah! whatever!!
First of all wanna thanks to JESUS CHRIST!!
for still letting me stay and enjoy this beautiful world..
thanks for this AGE..
thanks for giving me a beaitiful & stongest MUM in the world..
without her i would not here right now...
thanks also for giving THEM to me...
who is still staying with me no matter what i've done to them..
they're my Friend but not my BFF...
sometimes i like to call my friend as my BFF..
because now i realise that them who i call BFF act like a friend to me..
weired rite..:))
but i dont want to think abt it anymore...its time for us to move as our own..
all i can say is " JUST LET IT BE" ~ U choose to be like that and i wont stop U!
im HAPPY but at the same time SAD..
becoz i celebrate it without my " SINGLE" status like last2 years..
im happy that he is the 1st one to wish me...
im happy becoz i put my wish on him..
im happy becoz gonna celebrate it with him!
he say he got present for me..
hahahhah! cant wait for the sunrise to come!!..
overall IM HAPPY!!!!
But, IM SAD at the same time...
the people that i expect to wish early like last2 years havent wish me yet..
are they still angry at me???
my BFF who act like a FRIEND at last..
if only they know that i hope them to wish me...huhuhu!
im really sorry for what happen..
but i need you all to understand my situation too..
( ..i miss the moment with them..)
as the age increase 1 stage i wish :-
that im more matured..
that im more strong to face all my problems..
that im more healty..
that im mo slim & beautiful..( hahahha..! sempat lagi ma)
but the most important things is im more good to GOD!
and this years i added i more special wish..
" God, i wish that THE PLAN happen as what we planned..give us more hopes,love & trust to each other so that we can accept each other without any excuses..Thanks for giving us chances to know each other and help me God to make it REAL"
p/s: Si Hubby, thanks a lot for that birthday wishes..thanks for the LOVE! will always keep this feels only for you! Forever & Ever !!!
happy bday,babe^^
may god bless u owez..
be chill on ur bday day (",)
Thanks Tyra..!! GBU too..:))
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