Wednesday, January 14, 2015

~ Sakitnya tu Di SINI ~

Lately i feel really up..cry a lot..too many question inside my head..kadang sa rasa sa terlampau strict..but, as a women that jealosy is normal..

Feeling like he care someone (other women) more than he do to me..or its just my feeling..only god know how much this pain inside me..

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Appoinment Again!!

Berpeluh banyak ari ni..jalan kaki..ha ha..aktiviti yang lama sdh sa x buat..naik bas..hehe..such a good things to be missed..trus teingat jaman dolo - dolo..hehe..

Ari ni appoinment mata lagii..ntah yang keberapa kali sdh..haizz..penat & boring to the max!! So many people lagi ni..kompom smpi patang la ni sa sini duduk2 tggu giliran..penat!!! Lapar lagi niii..

Btw, Ni bulan shaklee bagi promo baik punya..set kecantikan kulit yang terbaik.Vitamin C SR , Vitamin E & Collagen Powder Shaklee..kombinasi yang sangat umpph!!  Saya Shaklee Independant Distributor (id : 1069372 ) Area Kota Kinabalu - Tuaran, Sabah.. Berminat mau try buli la hubungi sa, Pm or whatsap di Talian 016-8396261.. layan dolo buring sa sini HQE, KK..Cheerss all..

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Journey with Shaklee.

Happy weekend all!!! hehe..haha..lupakan status meroyan sa di fb sa baru2 ni..start niari 99% status or post sa hanya akan berkisar tentang #Shaklee so, peringatan kepada mereka2 dlm prenlist sa yg anti dgn #shaklee buli la unfriend or block seja sa..hehe..1% mybe status meroyan, haa Saya kenal shaklee 1tahun lebi yg lalu...honestly, sblm ni sa mmg langsung tidak tahu pun kewujudan ni product..kalau kakak sa ndak suruh sa tanya kawan2 sa mmg kompom smpi niari pun sa x akan tahu....ari tu tlg kakak tanya vit. khas tuk dia sambil2 tu trs sekali sa tanya supplement sesuai tu masalah hormon..period yg long time problems..huhu..kadang stress jg fikir...tanya punya tanya akhirnya GLA Complex jd 1st supplement shaklee yg sa try..3 minggu pengunaan kesan positif sa terima....thanks god! another point yg buat sa mau kenal & cuba another supplement..;) 2nd supplement sa try set Kurus aAlfafa, Lecithin & Peppermint ginger plus. 1 Week pengambilan saya hampir give up!! selera bertambah..alergic keluar..mata merah & yang paling teruk Demam panas..what happen?? sa tanya dealer sa..rupanya pa yg sa alami tu adalah roses penyembuhan atau pun Healing Crisis..mmg salah saya juga..kurang minum air..hehe..nasib baik saya jenis yang bukan cepat melatah & trus stop..sayang baitu..duit ko hasil titik peluh sendiri tuk kasi bili tu vitamin..3weeks perasaan saiz badan semakin kecil wpun berat x kurang..hehehe.. Bcomplex is my 3rd supplemen. actually sa ambik tuk kasi bagi sa tenaga supaya kurang sikit tu tenaga..tapi kesan ketara yang sa rasa adalah im Stressless..betul2 siok..tenang jak tu kepala ble handle kerja opis tanpa rasa tertekan..and Bcomplex jadi favourite supplement sa..hehe.. Kesan2 positif ni la yg buat sa tertarik hati mau kenal apaiti, Oct 2013 sa register jd member shaklee..awal2 lagi ni kenen sa c tau upline sa si #MummyVincci yang sa x mau bejual2..hahaha..saya mmg anti MLM..asal jak ada urg mau bwa sa jd member direct selling mmg kompom NO jawapan sa..tapi kan yg siok dia wlupun x niat mau buat bisness tapi order tetap masukk..hahaha..tanpa sedar tu..lama2 macam lain tu feeling..sbb kan sebelum ni sa mmg rasa rendah diri malu mau ctau orang sa bejualan..sbb sa x dpt terima hakikat kalau sa promote drg tapi ndak kana bili...hahaha..funny jg la ingat mula2...Upline & group member yg awesome yg bg sa keyakinan...sbb sa tahu bukan sa saturang jak yg ada feel malu tem mula2..hehe.. Hampir setengah supplement sa sdh try..hee..Vitamin C, Vit E, Vita Lea, Perfomance, ESP, Chinch Shake Choco & Latte, Omega guard dannnn 2nd Fav sa iaitu Ostematrix!! why OSTEMATRIX?? pasal dia buat sa tidur lena & no more sembelit...masalah sa dari dulu..haha..mmg berpenyakitan ni sa..kalau dulu mybe 2-3 kali seminggu jak jumpa Mr.Tan..sekarang sukaaa..;) Today sa start Collagen & Vivix!! alang2 promo mth mahal sdh haraga..hee..Ehhhhh..lupa pla sa mo ctau kamurang Set Penjagaan kulit muka Nutriwhite is the best!!! using it now...dalaman & luaran kena jaga beiii..;) Buring sdh kamurang?? hahaha..misti ada yg cakap sa sengaja ni kan puji2 shaklee..You try and you'll know..hehe..Ngam2 promo #mealshake sma #collagen ni bulan..bahh kalau mau tau butul ka ndak apa yg sa bilang jum whatsapp tau kamurang apal sdh tu kan num telipun sa tapi kamu pura2..hahaha..Mau join group ohsem kami pun buli..;) Bahhhh..makann..hee..nanti lps ni talan Omega Guard..;)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

New Day Starts!! back!! 1 years and a half after my last post...such a long-long time have'nt share here...Im missing my 'Best Friend' a lot.. too many stories i wanna share new life with SHAKLEE.. i want to share everything about my journey with UP'S & DOWNS.. I just cant wait to share with you all my daily activities..i am sure i can help you all through my stories... Enough for today.. See you tommorow.. SHAKLEE THE BEST!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Salah saya ka bila saya cuba untuk jadi yang terbaik.

should i stop? whatever i do still its  wrong in his eyes.. bagi dia saya kongkong dia... am i? dia tidak penah fikir kenapa saya buat begitu... still im the one who is wrong... im not queen control.. kalau saya jadi mcm tu sudah gerenti dia duduk rumah saja.. tapi saya still bg kelonggaran cuma dia tidak pernah mau hargai.. saya tegur apa dia bt tp dia anggap itu mengganggu kebebasan dia... What should i do? Tell me god... im weak... lost control... should i stop asking? should i stop care about him? how should i do so that he didnt see im controling his activities.. Pa, tell me... what should i do?? Am i that bad?? why everytime i do something others always blaming me... ?

Is it hard to tell the truth? why people can say what is true? why should hiding? i hate liars and its always be.. 

Pa..Nobody will ever understand me... only you know who i am... if only you were  here..:'( i try so hard to understand what they want, do anything i can do just to  make them happy... but why they misunderstanding.... 

i care about him... but he felt that im controlling his life? why? am i that bad?

Sorry, if i cant be that perfect that can understand what ever you need.. dun worry, i stop it now... bukan merajuk tapi i need time to accept everything... 
im tired holding my heart.. tiap kali sa terpaksa pujuk hati saya... 

Salahkah bila sa mau seseorang yang tahu jaga hati saya? God, tell me am i wrong? setiap kali saya tidak dapat memiliki apa yang saya inginkan... :'(

P/s : This life is teasing me a lot.. too much to hurt me... even my tears cant help... :(

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Give Up?

have you ever feel wanna give up on something you really care?? i want!! really tired taking care of my own heart. Tired wif works and nobody i can talk to. i miss being single. Nothing to care. Nothing stressing me. i can do anything i want. Go everywhere i wanna go. Sometimes i wanna talk to him, wanna says i want to give up on him. Goshhh!! am i bad??? tell me.. i cant stand wif this life.. its seem that im the only one who is struggle to make it true.. Huh!! im BORED & TIRED with my LIFE.